What is Popular Power?

We see popular power as the creative participation by everyone in governing society, which involves:

  • Waging an active struggle led by the most oppressed members of society and their allies to uproot colonialism and all other systems of exploitation and violence.

  • Recognizing that the existing system of governance in the US does not uphold the needs of the majority of the population and our environment.

  • Reclaiming our rights as people to live in peace with one another and to refuse wars overseas and at home in the name of false ‘democracies.’

  • Building new forms of grassroots participation and genuine democracy by the people (e.g. community assemblies) throughout society.

  • Creating a new economy that prioritizes meeting human needs and ecological balance over maximizing profits and endless growth. This will be an economy run by ordinary people for the benefit of all through the development of worker and consumer cooperatives, strong unions, community land trusts, public ownership of the major resources, and democratic planning.

See video on “poder popular” by Katya Colmenares, a scholar-activist based in the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), click here.

  • Library

    Reading materials are available to read in the Center.  There is a record player and other media that people can listen to and view in the space. Drop in hours for the library are Saturdays 12 noon to 6pm, or by appointment.

  • Events & Meetings

    The meeting space is located in the library and holds up to 35 people. It is available to schedule meetings on a regular or one-time basis. Groups that use the space are community groups whose goals align with building popular power. Please contact us for more information.

  • Media & Campaigns

    The CPP operates as a collective with various forms of media making including art, radio, newspapers, and music to build community power both locally and regionally.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.


Open Hours:

The CPP is now OPEN

18346 Highway 12
Unincorporated Boyes Hot Springs of Sonoma Valley

Hours: by appointment, please contact.